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Did you know the VIP event industry was so involved and had so many opportunities? Multiple areas, multiple types of events, different experiences, different kinds of people.
Working with celebrities at events is an art, and a well managed celeb appearance and experience can elevate the event’s reputation and yours whilst a misstep can turn into a PR nightmare. Maybe you’re handling A-list talent entirely, or maybe you will come into contact with them at some point, but knowing how to create […]
Managing a VIP experience? It’s not just about making sure they get to the event on time and leave with a smile (let’s hope that happens though, because there may be media outside). It’s about giving a seamless, memorable experience that really shows off the prestige of the event you’re working on. And you may […]
You may be wondering, why do I need a VIP mindset? VIPs are confident, charming (most of the time), happy, and they conquer life. And that’s the kind of mindset that you need and I need to succeed and work at our dream events, to shape our careers and lives, and work in a premium VIP environment.
I was sitting outside of a hotel in a massive Chinese city at 4am with a well known fashion designer from NYC, and realised that I felt good about what I do and how I conduct myself.
Did you know the VIP event industry was so involved and had so many opportunities? Multiple areas, multiple types of events, different experiences, different kinds of people.